Leading with Lollipops
Leading with Lollipops Drew Dudley began his Ted talk by asking how many people in the audience consider themselves to be leaders. Many of them did not raise their hands in response to the question. We're taught that leadership implies absolute power and the ability to achieve things that no one else can. Rather than utilising the title of leader to define ourselves, we usually expect to earn or be given it. He goes on to explain why this viewpoint is incorrect and how leadership is not the same as that concept. He shares a story about an incident he had with a girl. He narrates the story of a girl who was afraid of going to university and wanted to drop out. She informed her parents as a consequence and decided to wait and see how the first day went. She eventually chose to leave because she didn't enjoy it. Drew approached her when she was about to graduate from college. When he arrived to offer her the lollipop, he gave her a quick glance and told the person next to her to ...