Big Rocks
Big Rocks Big rocks are your top priority in life. They are the duties and goals you want to accomplish. When people consider their priorities, they frequently encounter 3 main issues: 1. They have too many priorities 2. They cant differentiate the truly important priorities. 3. They let other less-important things get in the way of focusing on what really matters. Have you heard of the Big rocks jar? Well this is one of the most interesting and inspiring stories. A philosophy professor once stood up before class with a large empty jar. He filled the jar to the top with large rocks and then he asked his students if the jar was full. The students all agreed that the jar was indeed full. He then added small pebbles in the jar and then asked them again, "Is the jar full now?" They said "Yes". The professor then poured sand into the jar to fill up any remaining empty space. The students then agreed that the jar was completely full. Rocks: The rocks represent the...